Saturday, March 10, 2012

Is the lag problem for Skyrim happening on both 360 and ps3?

I am having really bad problems with the frame rate for my ps3 version of Skyrim (I have turned off autosave etc deleted other saves). I also have an xbox so I was wondering does the xbox have any major lag problems with Skyrim?Is the lag problem for Skyrim happening on both 360 and ps3?
I'm guessing the lag your asking about is the highly publishised lag which is making the game unbearable. This amount of lag is only occuring on the PS3 version which is due to the console having a divided memory pool( 256mb for CPU %26amp; 256mb for GPU). Xbox 360 has a single memory pool so its handles data more efficiently. Basically its only lagging that bad on the PS3. Get the Xbox or PC version.

I'm not trying to start a console war, in fact i don't even own a console. PC only for me. And the lag IS actually caused by memory constraints as i said above, not heat. Sure you will get some heat inflicted lag but i believe in this particular situation we are writing about the excessive amount of lag once the user has played Skyrim for an extended period of time, 70 hours+ is what i heard most gamer's complain about.Save file increases in size as the game goes on because item locations are saved. Turn off Auto Saves, free space on your HDD.
As someone else has stated, the lag is mainly caused by over heating on the ps3 (the 360 is not more memory efficient than ps3! lol) if you have the fat this is more likely your issue.

i have skyrim on ps3 auto saves on and very rarely hav any lag (drop in frame rate) unless it gets hot so i turn it off an put it in the passage for 15mins (its cold out there lol) an its fine again.

But if you can get it cheap for the 360 it might be worth a go.Is the lag problem for Skyrim happening on both 360 and ps3?
the lag's mainly on ps3 i own the one on xbox and have only seen one lag/glitch which wasn't major it was juts a man sitting on an imaginery chair but yh the ps3 lags more but some say xbox lags loads dunno if it's console or disc
I have spent many many hours playing the Xbox version of Skyrim, and other than one mission in a particularly large location, I haven't experienced any noticeable lag issues.Is the lag problem for Skyrim happening on both 360 and ps3?
The lag is mainly caused by the console getting hot. Try to keep it in an open area with plenty of ventilation.
I experience lag but its very rare.

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