Saturday, February 25, 2012

What are some differences between Oblivion and Skyrim?

I just put in 300 hours into skyrim and i LOVED it!!! I'm now interested in playing Oblivion. What are some differences between Oblivion and Skyrim besides graphics?What are some differences between Oblivion and Skyrim?
Most of the differences are relatively minor (as mentioned by previous answerers).

Things Skyrim has that Oblivion does not in terms of gameplay:

Smithing and cooking (however in Oblivion u do have to "repair" worn armour and weapons to keep them in top condition to where they do the most damage). (Smithing and cooking is available in the Oblivon mod "Nehrim" and was probably the basis for it's inclusion in Skyrim).

Dragons (pretty obvious)

Vendors can run out of money (In Oblivion, u can sell constantly till u run out of items). (This was an attribute of the "Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul" and added to Skyrim)

Underwater vegetation (Oblivion's underwater realms are stark naked)

Improved dialogue system (In Oblivion the screen zoomed to the character u were speaking with and all game operations ceased during the interchange. Also choices for dialogue are better in Skyrim).

Companions (not the guild) (Although there were umpteen Oblivon mods which added companions of one sort or another)

Mechanics differences:

Skyrim of course has superior graphics.

Skyrim allows for dual wielding of weapons and spells.

Some of the battle animations have been improved in Skyrim.

The cinematic "finishing moves" were added in Skyrim.

The "facegen" system of Skyrim is inferior to Oblivion's (your choices for appearace are less). (Skyrim changed the way they did the facegen from how it was in Oblivion)

The levelling system is improved (in my opinion) in Skyrim.

Horses are still clunky in Skyrim. And (in my opinion) are more annoying. (For example, making a u-turn on a Skyrim horse is a complete fiasco).

As u might have guessed by now, most of the differences in the two games are mainly cosmetic. I have found both games to be fantastic pieces of work. I have logged many hours of Oblivion...I got the Oblivion first when I was 12, played it for a couple of months and got tired of it. Later I discovered modding Oblivion and my interest was renewed. I then discovered Morrowind (which, as far as gameplay goes, is a superior game to either Oblivion or Skyrim). I never modded Morrowind. Now I have many hours logged into Skyrim and am already modding it. I feel that it will hold my interest at least for a couple of years.

When u get Oblivion (and I really have no doubt u will get it), u will want to investigate the wealth of mods available for it. Mods of particular interest are; "Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul" (OOO), "The Lost Spires", and "Nehrim" (Nehrim is sort of a special case in that although it is technically a mod for Oblivion, it is in actuality a completely unique game of its own).
other than graphics, oblivion has different/more skills but you can't make your own weapons or armor but can still enchant them... you can make spells however which i haven't found in skyrim, in oblivion there are no dragons and the game seems really easy. The load time for oblivion is annoying not to mention that it has to load the world every now and then which sometimes stops your game until it is done. There is no duel wielding in oblivion. Potions are a lot easier to come by. There is a lot of gaming glitches with oblivion such as getting out of the town without using the door and it causes problems because you can do anything until you re-enter the town and leave by door or re-load your game.. There is a long list of stuff that is different.. but overall like the person above, Skyrim and morrowind are much better games.What are some differences between Oblivion and Skyrim?
I dont think you will like oblivion even though you liked skyrim. Oblivion is quiet outdated now.
-Setting (obviously)

-Combat system (I think the menus are better in Obvlivion and the actual combat is better in Skyrim)

-AI (much better in Skyrim, especially in conversation)

-Leveling system (In Oblivion you choose some major skills, and only these skills contribute to leveling up)

-Enemies and dungeons (Especially the leveling of enemies; they level up with you, so you have to plan your character to some extent to be sure of keep up with or becoming more powerful than the enemies)

-Alchemy (Much much much better in Oblivion. Each ingredient has 4 effects, same as Skyrim, and you can see more based on your alchemy level)

And quite a few more. Those are the ones which occur to me when I think about it.What are some differences between Oblivion and Skyrim?
The deadra lords rule there not nine divines. as i've heard they say that it is a cruel place for nords and home to thalmor. Idon't know the exact story but uriel septim sacrificed his life for skyrim of oblivion crisis .
I am copy/pasting an answer that I previously answered today, because it's basically the answer to your question: I have them both - I played and finished Oblivion and I'm many hours into Skyrim. I feel that Oblivion had more interesting "dungeon crawl" areas and the map was more diverse, but that doesn't mean Skyrim isn't interesting and full of places to explore. In Skyrim, I feel the leveling system is way better. You don't have to sleep to level, you do it right at the moment you level up. You also don't have to choose and stick with a handful of specialty abilities - whatever you use improves your level in that ability, and you can choose perks wherever you want. You also have companions that can come with you that follow and fight with you and carry stuff for you if you overcapacity your inventory - this was not an Oblivion option. I like having them around except for in tight spaces where they are just in the way. Smithing and enchanting and other creation/enhancement activities as more more individualized and involved, which some people may like more, some less. The dragons are a really cool addition, and they pop up in random places like oblivion gates did in the last one. The menus are a little different and I don't remember if Oblivion allowed 2 handed spells but Skyrim does. I thought the bow/arrow was a big waste of time in Oblivion, but I use it all the time in Skyrim. Sneak arrowing people rules. You can be a werewolf in Skyrim...and I can't think of anything else right now. Graphics for Skyrim are way better and I have experienced less glitching. If you liked Skyrim, you will like Oblivion, but be fully aware that it is an older game. Enjoy!
didn't know exactly but it's different region but same world i have it and will play it when i find some time .
Lets see...

Oblivion allows to create your *own* spells and there are way more pre-made ones esp. as Skyrim got rid of one school of magic (or rather rolled some of the spells into the other schools). There is no crafting save for alchemy, repairing items (something I do *not* miss in Skyrim) but enchanting is there and very different (you enchant with spells you have learned as opposed to enchantments you learn from items).

You also have stats like strength or charisma and spend points of them when you level up - which you only do when you improve your chosen major skills and of course you only level when you sleep.
I don't know why but i never played a lot of Oblivion, never really liked it, morrowind and skyrim are much better.

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