This isnt so much an answer as it is me telling the assholes who say get a better computer are assholes. That wasn't his question. Do you really think this person doesn't know that a desktop is better than a laptop for running games? If you don't have anything productive to add to the conversation, keep your mouth shut. Anyway I'm trying to figure the same thing out right now so I'll get back to you if I have any luck.How to make skyrim run better on a laptop?
get a better laptop...actually...desktop...because laptops aren't the greatest for gaming solely because high end GPU's need more power and laptops don't dish it out well enough...a nice desktop gaming PC that can play any game at highest settings = 600-1000...on top of being more future proof and easier to upgrade...or else try more ram...How to make skyrim run better on a laptop?
You dont even have the recommended requirements. Recommended requirements are Quad-Core precessor and 4GB of RAM.
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